De Bock & Baluwé is a grouping arrangement (within the meaning of the “Codex Deontologie voor Advocaten” [Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers”]) between bvba D2 Law (company number 0719.555.007), the bvba Koen Baluwé (company number 0474.599.818) and Mieke Vansteenkiste (company number 0812.626.012).

De Bock & Baluwé has 2 offices, specifically one office at 9810 Eke, Eedstraat 29 (Ghent Bar Association), where the main switchboard for the secretariat is located (tel. 09 241 80 30 – email:, and one office in 8582 Outrijve, Molenstraat 59 (West-Flanders Bar Association).

The registered address of bvba D2 Law is established at the office in Eke, and that of bvba Koen Baluwé is in the Outrijve office.

All lawyers – whether partners or employees – of De Bock & Baluwé have the professional title of “Advocaat” [“Lawyer”] granted to them in Belgium, and are members of the Ghent Bar Association and/or the West-Flanders Bar Association.

Any assignments are entrusted to bvba D2 Law or bvba Koen Baluwé, irrespective of the particular lawyer in the firm who is handling them.

All lawyers are subject to specific professional regulations. More information about these professional regulations can be found on You can also request information on this matter from all the lawyers at De Bock & Baluwé, and from the Ghent Bar Association or the West Flanders Bar Association.

The secretariat of the Ghent Bar Association is located at 9000 Gent, Opgeëistenlaan 401/P (tel. 09 234 56 20 – fax. 09 234 56 21 – email:

The secretariat of the West Flanders Bar Association is located at 8000 Brugge, Gerechtsgebouw – Langestraat 120 (tel. 050 33 16 80 – fax. 050 34 66 72 – email:

All our lawyers are insured for civil professional liability through collective insurance policies concluded by the Flemish Bar Association. The principal insurers are Amlin Insurance SE (Koning Albert II-laan 37, 1030 Brussels; policy number LXX034899) for first rank insurance, and for second rank insurance by AG Insurance (E. Jacqmainlaan 53, 1000 BRUSSELS, policy number 99.551.935). The co-insurers are Zurich Insurance Plc Belgian Branch and nv KBC Insurance. Further information about the policies can be obtained from all the lawyers in our offices or from the broker Vanbreda Risk & Benefits, Plantin & Moretuslei 297 in 2140 Antwerp (tel. 03 217 67 67).

Article 9 of the first rank policy defines the territorial scope of the policy as follows: “The guarantee under the present agreement applies to the consequences of acts committed worldwide, for activities carried out by the insured party from their offices located in Belgium and/or subject to the clarifications made in Article 8. However, claims against the insured party in the USA or Canada, or under the laws or jurisdiction of the USA or Canada are not insured.”

A copy of the insurances can be obtained by submitting a simple request to one of the lawyers of De Bock & Baluwé.

The general terms and conditions of De Bock & Baluwé provide that Belgian law always applies, and that competency is always ascribed to Belgian courts, and more particularly those for the registered office of the service provider (bvba D2 Law or bvba Koen Baluwé).

You can find the general terms and conditions of De Bock & Baluwé here. These terms and conditions are available in the Dutch language. On a simple request, a French or English translation can be obtained.

More information about the manner in which the price for our services is calculated can be found under the heading “Fees and Costs” on our website.

The heading “Fields of activity” contains further information about the services of De Bock & Baluwé.

If you still have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you further.